Ms. Shelia Clark's Website

Shelia Clark

Shelia Clark

Phone: 423-477-1600
Email Shelia Clark

Welcome to my website! I teach English 11, ACT prep (reading), and AP English Language and Composition. 

I have been teaching for 27 years at Daniel Boone High School. In 2018, I was recognized as Yale University Educator of the Year. 

All juniors will take the ACT exam in March (this is a graduation requirement). Students enrolled in AP English Language and Composition prepare for the AP exam. Students who score 3, 4, or 5 on the exam may receive college credit.  

Assignments for all classes will be posted on CANVAS.   

Degrees and Certifications:

  • BA English from ETSU

  • AP English Language and Composition

    Certification from UNC of Asheville

  • AP English Language and Composition

    Certification from UTC

  • AP English Literature and Composition

    Certification from UTC

  • ACT Certified (ACE) Basics

  • ACT Instructional Mastery (AIM) Reading

  • ACT Instructional Mastery (AIM) English

  • 2018 Yale University Educator of the Year

Picture of Ms. Clark

ACT Basics image

ACT English Mastery  badge

ACT Instructional Mastery  Reading Badge

Classroom Expectations image

Class Expectations

English 11/AP English Language and Composition/ACT Prep (Reading)

These courses are developed to prepare students for the rigorous demands of a college-level course and life after school and/or college. These courses will assist students in becoming curious, critical, and responsive readers of diverse texts. Students are expected to write effectively for different audiences and purposes; to expand vocabulary; to analyze a variety of texts for themes, purposes, and rhetorical features; and to use the conventions of standard English grammar and usage in writing and speaking. 

Students should follow these daily expectations:
1. Students are expected to behave and not distract others. They are to respect others.
2. Students are expected to attend classes daily and not be tardy to classes.
3. Students are expected to follow Washington County dress code.
4. Students should be prepared for class and bring materials (Chromebook, writing utensils, etc.)
5. Students should be ready to engage and learn.
6. Students will participate in class activities, discussions, and assignments. Students are expected to complete assignments and submitted them by the due date.  
7. Students are to use electronic devices for educational purposes only; no phones, earbuds, headphones, etc are allowed. 
8. Students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct and all policies and procedures outlined in the High School Student Handbook.

Image of pencils with the word syllabus

Class Syllabus

Class syllabus is posted on Canvas.

Image of pencils, blackboard, pens with the caption Homework

Daily Assignments and Homework

Check the daily announcements on Canvas for assignments. 

Class schedule image

Ms. Clark's

2024-2025 Schedule

Fall 2024

1st Block: Pre-AP English Language

2nd Block: Pre-AP English Language

3rd Block: ACT Prep (Reading)

4th Block: Planning

5th Block: English 11

Spring 2024

1st Block: AP English Language

2nd Block: AP English Language

3rd Block: ACT Prep (Reading)

4th Block: Planning

5th Block: English 11

State and National Exam Schedule

Reading List

open book on top of other books

Slider is playing
Mrs. Orchard, Mrs. Love, and Ms. Clark during homecoming week