Kelly Casey

Mrs. Casey- 3rd Grade Science and Social Studies

My name is Mrs. Kelly Lloyd Casey, and I teach third grade science and social studies at Grandview School.  I love reading about science and social studies topics and teaching students the fun of writing and expressing their ideas.  I hope we have a wonderful year together in third grade!  



 Please be sure to join the third grade band to access communication with third grade teachers by using the link that will be sent home.  I can’t wait to meet you and begin this new school year!  

Science and Social Studies Info

  • What do we do in Science and Social Studies?



We will follow the TN State Standards for third grade Science and Social Studies.  These can be found on the state website. Our classroom will be focused on mastery of the state standards in every aspect of learning each day.  Below lists examples of classroom activities we will be doing each day.

  • Units using the Interactive Science and Social Studies Notebooks:  Together as a class, we will read and study texts together.  While reading, we keep an interactive notebook. Our notebooks contain vocabulary words from our texts, interesting facts and details, graphic organizers, and written observations. We will note observations of cause and effect relationships,  problem and solution, chronological events and time order, compare and contrast, and descriptions.  We will record observations using scientific processes.

  • Data Folder:   Students will track their attendance and behavior in my classroom and monitor their progress toward mastery in each subject.

  • Independent Reading:  Time allowed in class in which students find a "comfy" spot and read for enjoyment.  During this time students are engaged in self-selected texts on science and social studies subjects.

  • Word Study-  Each week, students are given words located in the text.  Students will complete  word study activities each week using the words.   

  • Language Skills-  Everyday we will analyze text and notice language, grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. We will write in response to reading text using complete sentences and domain-specific vocabulary words.

  • Writing-  Students work throughout the year on different writing genres:  Opinion/Persuasive, Expository/Informational, and Narrative. Students will write in response to text using all of these genres.  Students  work through the writing process:  prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, evaluating, publishing.

Classroom Websites
