TN Foundational Skills Instructional Practice Guide (IPG)
Tennessee Foundational Skills IPG
Daily Pre-K through second-grade ELA instruction should include both knowledge-building and foundational skills instruction. The Tennessee Foundational Skills Instructional Practice Guide (IPG) is a tool created for school and district leaders to use as a guide during a foundational skills lesson walk-through. During a classroom visit, the TN Foundational Skills IPG focuses on specific core actions regarding materials, teacher moves, and student engagement, emphasizing the progression from sounds-based activities to fluency in daily lessons. Each item in this section may be used to assist districts or schools in considering how to incorporate the Tennessee Foundational Skills IPG effectively.
Strong foundational skills instruction is grounded in a sounds-first approach and can be found in the Foundational Skills IPG section. Here, you will find items created by the Model Districts to support district implementation of the Tennessee Foundational Skills Instructional Practice Guide (IPG). Each item in this section is related to district planning and implementation of the TN Foundational Skills IPG. Because the Model Districts are diverse in size, location, and demographics, the tools and resources can be adapted and tailored by districts to meet more specific needs. Each item may be used as an example for any district or school considering how to effectively plan and incorporate the TN Foundational Skills IPG.