Ward Honor

On October 16th, Brandon Ward was awarded the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement. This Award, consisting of a Bronze Cross and certificate, is awarded annually to outstanding cadets to recognize achievement of scholastic excellence in  Naval Science and academic subjects and to stimulate development of leadership. Cadet Ward went through an arduous screening process with recommendations from his Naval Science Instructors, Principal and ultimately being selected by LCDR Baker, Area 8 Manager.  He competed against other Cadets from Area 8. Criteria for his selection included his military leadership and his academic standing both in Naval Science and amongst his peers in his grade.  Cadet Ward plans on attending Middle Tennessee University in the Aerospace professional program.  This program will help him on his long term goal of becoming a Naval Aviator.  Cadet Ward has brought great credit upon himself and the Pioneers at David Crockett High School.