Caleb Shaw

teacher headshot

Caleb Shaw

Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's of Music Education - Lee University
Master's of Music Education - Milligan College

Hello everyone! My name is Caleb Shaw. Believe it or not, this is my 11th year teaching at West View and my 20th year in the building (I also attended West View as a K-8 student growing up in Limestone). I was lucky enough to get to take Beverly Armentrout's place, my former music teacher, just after graduating college. Mrs. Armentrout was my inspiration for becoming a music teacher when I was in elementary school, as well. I was a member of the DCHS Choral Department all four years after leaving West View, too.

After graduating high school, I attended Lee University. I received my Bachelor's of Music Education degree in December of 2012. While at Lee, I was fortunate enough to get to sing with the Voices of Lee, s small, traveling a cappella ensemble. Voices had the greatest impact on my philosophy of music education of any of my college experiences. While singing in Voices, I learned that music has value in and of itself. The desire to make music with excellence was instilled in me during my time in the group, and will stay with me my entire life.

I taught as an intermin music teacher at Mountain View Elementary in Johnson City for four months in the spring of 2013. While completing this interim, I accepted the music position at West View and began teaching here in August of 2013. After several years of teaching, I returned to puruse my graduate degree at Milligan College. There I received my Master of Education degree in May of 2018. I love that I get to use my wonderful experiences in music to help my students develop the same passion for music that I have had since I was their age.