Shalina Willis

Shalina Willis with her husband

Shalina Willis

Email Shalina Willis

My name is Shalina Willis, and I am thrilled to be your child's teacher this year! 

I am a graduate of Andrew Jackson High School in Jacksonville, Florida. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of North Florida in 2005.

This is my 20th year in the field of education.  I was an instructional assistant for 2 years and I have taught for 17 years.  This will be my 17th year as a classroom teacher.  I taught 4th grade for 1 year, kindergarten for 11 years and this year will begin my 5th year as a 1st grade teacher.   I want us to have a great year together as we learn and grow as a classroom family.            

I live in Greeneville with my husband Adam, my daughter Bella, and my son Grayson. My husband and I were married 12 years ago on September 4, 2010. Our little girl was born May 8, 2014, my birthday!!!  She is 10 years old. She is in 5th grade!  Our precious little boy was born on January 19th. He is 8 years old. He is so much fun! He is in 3rd grade! I enjoy reading, going to church, shopping, traveling, and spending time with my family, especially my 17 nieces and nephews. 

My goal is to provide every child with a positive learning experience and to make them an excited and eager learner for  years to come. I look forward to working with you to make your child's year a success! 

You can reach me at West View School during my planning time from 9:38 - 10:27.  If you would like to contact me through email, you can reach me via email.  I check my email regularly so this is the best way to contact me.

I look forward to working with you and your child this school year!


Shalina Willis